Phlebodium aureum ‘Davana’

Blue Star Fern

Phlebodium Davana is a striking blue-green tropical fern that is easy to maintain and will make a bold statement in contrast to any other houseplant.

A perfect plant for a hanging basket or a table top pot.

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Origin: rainforests of South America
Genus: Phebodium
Species / Cultivar: aureum var. 'Davana'
Common Name: Blue Star Fern
Synonym: Polypodium aureum
Light: Medium
This plant likes a spot further away from bright windows, but still lit by natural light.
Temperature: 18 - 28°C
Temperature range at which this plant is healthiest and grows best.
Growth Rate: Medium
Expect to see moderate growth during growing season.
Water Requirement: Keep Topped Up
Keep the soil moist at all times, while avoiding roots to sit in a pool of water.
Humidity: High
Provide moist air via daily misting or trays of wet grit. Keep away from drafts and heaters.
Maintenance: Low
Requires no attention beyond correct position and watering. An ideal starter plant!
Eventual Height: 1m
The plant's ultimate height in typical growing conditions.
Eventual Spread: 1m
The plant's ultimate spread in typical growing conditions.
Habit: Evergreen
Always in leaf throughout the year. It won't lose all its leaves at any one time.
Care Size & Guidance

Care Size & Guidance

There is no real need to repot this plant, as it needs little to no soil at all. If severely pot bound, it can be moved in a slightly larger pot which can be backfilled with a mix of bark, charcoal, sharp sand, and leaf mould. An orchid growth medium is also a good choice for this plant.

Keep it well watered in a high humidity environment (kitchen, bathroom), away from direct sunlight. Fertilise every other month with an organic balanced fertiliser diluted to half the strength.

Inspect periodically the plant for scale insects, as the plant is a favourite host for them.

Expert Tip

Avoid leaving water on the leaves and the crown. Mist the creeping rhizomes that want to escape the pot. This will provide the plant with much needed moisture.