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Banana Boost: Does the Social Media Trend of Banana Water Really Work?

Banana water, created by soaking banana peels in water, has gained popularity as a homemade fertiliser among plant enthusiasts, particularly on social media. This eco-friendly solution recycles kitchen waste and provides essential nutrients to houseplants… but does it actually work? Read on to find out…

Reported Benefits of Banana Water for Houseplants

Reported Benefits of Banana Water for Houseplants

Banana peels are rich in potassium, an essential nutrient that aids in water uptake, enzyme activation, and overall plant growth. Banana peels also contain small amounts of phosphorus and calcium, which contribute to root development and stronger cell walls. Based on this information, it is possible to conclude that banana water has the potential to enhance flowering, improve fruit quality, and promote lush foliage. It would be a wonderful, natural alternative to synthetic fertilisers, making it ideal for organic gardening.

However, there is a distinct lack of peer-based evidence to suggest that it does work so bear that in mind if you decide to go ahead and give it a try. That said, gardeners have been making ‘compost tea’ from plants such as nettles and comfrey for many, many years so there is no reason that think that banana peels wouldn’t also work. There’s also no reason to believe that banana water would damage houseplants if applied sparingly so read on if you’d like to know how to make it and use it.

How to Make Banana Water

How to Make Banana Water

Creating banana water is simple:

  1. Collect Banana Peels: Save your banana peels. You can use fresh peels or freeze them until needed.
  2. Prepare the Banana Water: Soak the peels in a container of water, using one peel per litre of water. Let them soak for 24 to 48 hours.
  3. Strain and Use: After soaking, strain the water to remove the peels. Your banana water is now ready to use.
How to Use Banana Water on Houseplants

How to Use Banana Water on Houseplants

Banana water can be applied in several ways:

  1. Direct Watering: Pour banana water directly into the soil around your houseplants.
  2. Foliar Spray: Use a spray bottle to mist the leaves, allowing plants to absorb nutrients directly.
  3. Compost Booster: Add soaked banana peels and any unused water to your compost pile to enrich it with nutrients.
Tips and Considerations

Tips and Considerations

  • Dilution: Dilute banana water if concerned about over-fertilisation, especially for sensitive plants.
  • Storage: Use banana water within a few days of preparation to prevent spoilage.
  • Balanced Fertilisation: Combine banana water with other natural fertilisers to provide a full spectrum of nutrients. Some other common plants used to make
  • Monitor Plant Response: Observe your plants’ response to banana water and adjust use if signs of stress appear.


Banana water would appear to be a simple, cost-effective way to boost your houseplants’ nutrient intake. Rich in potassium and other beneficial minerals, banana peels have the potential to support growth, enhance flowering, and promote healthy foliage.

Incorporating banana water into your plant care routine could help you achieve vibrant, thriving plants while reducing waste and supporting sustainable gardening practices.

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