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Top 10 Trending Indoor Plants

Stay on top of the latest indoor plant trends as we break down the most popular houseplants right now.

From Kentia Palms to Peace Lilies, Bird’s Nest Ferns to Fiddle-leaf Figs, here are the top 10 trendiest plants selling in the nursery at the moment.

1. Kentia Palms - Howea

1. Kentia Palms - Howea

Howea forsteriana, commonly known as Kentia Palms are one of our most popular houseplants, and with good reason. Tough and resilient, they can tolerate a wide range of indoor environments and are generally pest-free and easy to care for.

Their lush, arching fronds create a sense of natural beauty and tranquility, making them a visually pleasing addition to any indoor space.



2. Bird's Nest Fern - Asplenium

2. Bird's Nest Fern - Asplenium

Asplenium nidus and antiquum, commonly known as bird’s nest ferns, are sought-after houseplants with glossy fronds held in an upright fashion, reminiscent of a bird’s nest. They thrive in indirect light and high humidity, making them perfect for bathrooms or well-lit rooms.

There are now many cultivars of Asplenium nidus such as the ever-popular ‘Osaka’ which has crinkled fronds for extra appeal. Low maintenance and adding a lush, tropical vibe to indoor spaces, they are a must-have for plant enthusiasts.



3. Rubber Plant - Ficus elastica

3. Rubber Plant - Ficus elastica

A houseplant staple for many decades, Ficus elastica has come in and out of favour over the years, but it’s popularity as an indoor plant is testament to its easy-to-care nature. Many homes have large, old specimens which have been passed down from generation to generation.

And what’s not to love about them? Large, glossy leaves and a wonderful tree-like structure lend a verdant vibe to any room. Tolerant of dry indoor air and happy to grow in a wide range of light levels, they are big on impact and low on requirements.

These days there are many cultivars available with different leaf variegation and growth habits. Click below to see our current range.



4. Parlour Palms - Chamaedorea elegans

4. Parlour Palms - Chamaedorea elegans

Chamaedorea elegans, also known as the Parlour palm, captivates with its delicate and graceful appearance. Its lush, finely-textured fronds arch gracefully from slender stems, adding a touch of elegance and lushness to indoor spaces.

Although it is a solitary palm in its natural environment, in the horticultural trade it is almost always sold with multiple plants in the same pot to give a more pleasing visual appeal. Sometimes there may be up to 20 individual plants in the same pot. As long as adequate light and water are provided, they can grow happily like this.




5. Swiss Cheese Plant - Monstera deliciosa

5. Swiss Cheese Plant - Monstera deliciosa

Similarly to the Rubber Plant (see above), Swiss Cheese Plants have been a staple of British homes for many generations and have seen themselves fall in and out of favour with the public. They are having a moment again and are flying off the shelves. And it’s easy to see why. The dramatic leaves create levels of texture and light patterns that few other plants can. It’s amazing how looking at one single Monstera plant can immediately transport you to a luxuriant rainforest!

Part of their popularity must be to do with how tolerant they are of neglect. Well-suited to low light conditions, and tolerant of large temperature fluctuations, Monstera makes the most wonderful houseplant. Perfect as a housewarming gift!



6. Golden Cane Palm - Dypsis lutescens

6. Golden Cane Palm - Dypsis lutescens

Dypsis lutescens, commonly known as the Areca palm or Golden Cane Palm, boasts striking visual appeal with its vibrant green, feathery fronds that cascade elegantly from slender, golden-hued stems. This palm adds a tropical touch and a sense of lushness to any indoor setting.

Similar to the Kentia Palm, it is widely adaptable to many indoor conditions. Ideally it should receive at least a few hours of sunlight daily to bring out the beautiful yellow hues in the stems.



7. Fiddle Leaf Fig - Ficus lyrata

7. Fiddle Leaf Fig - Ficus lyrata

Our second member of the Ficus family in this list, and surely a plant that needs no introduction. Once fairly unusual to find in this country, Ficus lyrata has absolutely exploded in popularity in recent years.

Their imposing stature and dramatic, large leaves are a wonder to behold. If given the space, these plants can become very large over time so are perfect for rooms with high ceilings and conservatories (don’t worry if you don’t have the height though, as they can be pruned down to size without harming the plant).



8. Lady Palm - Rhapis excelsa

8. Lady Palm - Rhapis excelsa

Rhapis excelsa, commonly referred to as the Lady Palm, exudes timeless elegance with its dense clusters of slender, fan-shaped fronds. Its symmetrical and architectural growth pattern adds sophistication and a touch of exotic allure to indoor environments.

It is extremely tolerant of low light levels and slow-growing, two attributes which make it ideal as a longterm houseplant.



9. Snake Plant - Sansevieria

9. Snake Plant - Sansevieria

Possibly one of the most tolerant of indoor plants. Snake Plants – various species and cultivars of Sansevieria – can take full sun and won’t shrivel up if you forget to water them more than you probably should. That said, they’ll thank you if you shelter them from the hottest of the afternoon sun and remember to water and feed them occasionally!

Plant breeders are constantly coming up with ever more weird and wonderful cultivars of this popular plant so you’re bound to find one that takes your fancy. Click below to see what we currently have on offer.



10. Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum

10. Peace Lily - Spathiphyllum

Peace lilies, one of the most classic of indoor plants, excel in air purification, eliminating toxins from your home or office environment. Their low-maintenance nature, thriving in low light and infrequent watering, appeals to busy individuals seeking greenery without hassle.

With glossy green leaves and delicate white flowers, peace lilies enhance indoor aesthetics, blending seamlessly into various décor styles. Symbolising peace and tranquility, these plants often serve as thoughtful gifts for occasions, adding a touch of serenity to any space.

And did you know that some cultivars have scented flowers? Check out our range below.



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