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The Best Plants for Housewarming Presents

Here at the Palm Centre we believe that houseplants make the most wonderful housewarming gift. From students settling into a new dorm room to a young couple moving into their first home, giving someone a living organism is the most beautiful and sustainable way of wishing them success in their new environment.

More than just looks

Beyond simply their aesthetic appeal and ease of care, the plants listed below have many symbolic meanings, making them an even more well-considered gift.

Here we list our top five recommendations for housewarming gifts, and the meaning behind them, helping you to choose the right plant for the right person.

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

1. Snake Plant (Sansevieria)

The snake plant is often associated with resilience and strength due to its ability to thrive in adverse conditions. It symbolises perseverance and determination, making it a meaningful gift for someone starting a new chapter in their life.

Low maintenance, requiring infrequent watering and thriving on neglect, these plants are ideal for people with little time for plant care.



2. Pothos (Scindapsus)

2. Pothos (Scindapsus)

Pothos is often regarded as a symbol of prosperity and abundance. In Feng Shui, it’s believed to bring good luck and financial success to the home. Giving a Pothos plant as a housewarming gift can signify wishes for the recipient’s prosperity and well-being in their new space.

Pothos is not only easy to care for but also acts as an efficient air purifier, helping to improve indoor air quality.



3. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)

3. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)

The spider plant symbolises growth, resilience, and new beginnings. Its ability to produce “spiderettes” or offshoots represents the expansion of family or friendships. Giving a spider plant as a gift can convey wishes for the recipient’s personal and professional growth in their new home.



4. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

4. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

As the name suggests, the peace lily is often associated with peace, harmony, and tranquility. It symbolises purity of heart and intentions, making it an excellent housewarming gift to wish the recipient peace and serenity in their new environment.

Their appeal doesn’t stop there though! Peace lilies also act as natural air purifiers, removing harmful toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air.



5. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

5. Rubber Plant (Ficus elastica)

The rubber plant symbolises abundance, wealth, and prosperity. Its large, round leaves are believed to attract positive energy and financial success. Giving a rubber plant as a gift can symbolise wishes for the recipient’s prosperity and abundance in their new home.



Or if you still can't decide...

Or if you still can't decide...

A Palm Centre gift voucher also makes the perfect housewarming gift, allowing the recipient to choose their own plant and pot.

Available as either e-vouchers which can be emailed directly to the recipient (perfect if you’ve left things to the last minute!), or paper vouchers which can be posted along with a card with a personal greeting.



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