Hosta ‘Devon Green’

Plantain Lily


Hosta ‘Devon Green’ features elegant foliage and compact growth. Its heart-shaped leaves sport a rich green hue, ideal for shaded gardens. Flourishing in moist, well-drained soil and partial to full shade, it’s a perfect fit for borders or woodlands. In summer, tall spikes bear lavender flowers, enhancing its allure.

With vibrant colouration and low maintenance needs, this cultivar adds sophistication to any garden. Consider ‘Devon Green’ for a captivating addition to your landscape that thrives in shade.


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Origin: Genus native to Northeast Asia, cultivar of horticultural origin
Genus: Hosta
Species / Cultivar: 'Devon Green'
Common Name: Plantain Lily

Plant Biography

Hosta ‘Devon Green’ belongs to the Hosta genus within the family Asparagaceae. This genus encompasses over 70 species, primarily native to Northeast Asia, notably China, Korea, and Japan.

Hostas have been cultivated for centuries for their ornamental foliage but were originally grown for their edible shoots prior to gaining popularity for their diverse leaf shapes, colours, and textures. ‘Devon Green’ likely underwent selective breeding to enhance desired traits such as its rich green foliage and compact growth, contributing to its distinctiveness in the realm of garden plants.

Hosta 'Devon Green'
Soil: Moisture Retaining
Soil that drains at a slower rate due to higher organic matter content.
Growth Rate: Medium
Expect to see moderate growth during growing season.
Water Requirement: High
Likely to require supplementary watering in warmer months, even once established.
Humidity: High
Provide moist air via daily misting or trays of wet grit. Keep away from drafts and heaters.
Maintenance: A little
Easy to look after but may occasionally require some attention in order to thrive.
Situation: Part Shade to Full Shade
Can enjoy several hours of direct sunlight, but also happy in full shade.
Eventual Height: 0.15-0.5m
The plant's ultimate height in typical growing conditions.
Eventual Spread: 0.5-0.9m
The plant's ultimate spread in typical growing conditions.
Hardiness: Fully Hardy
Will survive unprotected outdoors in most areas of the UK, even in the harshest winters.
Habit: Deciduous
Sheds all its foliage annually, so for a period of the year it will be without foliage.
Lifecycle: Perennial
This plant is persistant and does not die off after flowering. It will return each season indefinitely, if provided with suitable growing conditions.
Care & Size Guidance

Care & Size Guidance

Hosta ‘Devon Green’ thrives in partial to full shade and well-drained, moist soil. Regular watering and mulching help retain moisture. Fertilise in spring with a balanced fertiliser.

It typically reaches a mature size of 15-50cm in height and 50-90cm in width. To maintain its compact form, divide clumps every few years in spring or autumn. Watch for pests like slugs and snails, particularly in damp conditions. With proper care, ‘Devon Green’ adds lush greenery to shaded gardens, offering an elegant presence with minimal maintenance.


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