Canna tuerckheimii

Tuerckheim's Canna, Palo de Sol


Canna tuerckheimii, commonly known as Tuerckheim’s Canna, is a stunning perennial plant native to subtropical and tropical parts of the Americas, particularly Guatemala. This tall, eye-catching species can reach heights of up to 3 metres, making it a dramatic addition to any garden. Its vibrant green leaves sprout from sturdy stems and can sometimes be mistaken for banana plants.

In colder climates, it’s essential to dig up and store the rhizomes indoors during winter to protect them from frost. Named after botanist Hans von Türckheim, Canna tuerckheimii is highly valued for its ornamental appeal, adding an exotic, tropical touch to landscapes.


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Origin: Tropical areas of North, Central, and South America
Genus: Canna
Species / Cultivar: tuerkheimiii
Common Name: Tuerckheim's Canna, Palo de Sol
Synonym: Canna altensteinii, Canna gigantea

Plant Biography

Canna tuerckheimii is a species of flowering plant in the Cannaceae family. It was first described by botanist Ignatz Urban in 1901, named after Hans von Türckheim, who collected the plant in Guatemala. This species is native to the Americas, particularly thriving in the tropical and subtropical regions of Guatemala. Known for its striking appearance, Canna tuerckheimii features large, lush foliage and vibrant flowers, making it a notable member of the Canna genus.

The genus Canna consists of around 10 species and hundreds of cultivars known for their striking flowers and/or foliage. Originating in tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, Cannas have been cultivated since ancient times for ornamental and agricultural purposes.

Canna tuerckheimii
Soil: Moist but Well Drained
Soil that allows water to drain at a moderate rate, without the water pooling.
Growth Rate: Fast
Expect to see prolific growth, especially during growing season.
Water Requirement: High
Likely to require supplementary watering in warmer months, even once established.
Maintenance: A little
Easy to look after but may occasionally require some attention in order to thrive.
Situation: Full Sun
Wants direct, unfiltered sunlight most of the day, such as a south facing position.
Eventual Height: 3m
The plant's ultimate height in typical growing conditions.
Eventual Spread: 1m
The plant's ultimate spread in typical growing conditions.
Hardiness: Half Hardy
Will need protection from frosts in order to survive winter, eg. with fleece jacket.
Habit: Deciduous
Sheds all its foliage annually, so for a period of the year it will be without foliage.
Lifecycle: Perennial
This plant is persistant and does not die off after flowering. It will return each season indefinitely, if provided with suitable growing conditions.
Care & Size Guidance

Care & Size Guidance

Canna tuerckheimii originates from subtropical and tropical climates. Plant in spring, ensuring the risk of frost has passed, in sunny, well-drained locations. Maintain rich, moist soil and mulch to preserve moisture and nutrients. As frost nears, dig up rhizomes, dry them, and store in a cool, frost-free place. In milder locations it may be possible to overwinter them in the ground, but plant the rhizomes extra-deep to protect and cover with a thick layer of mulch before the first frost.

This species can reach up to 3 metres in height, so provide ample space and support. Regular feeding with a balanced fertiliser during the growing season enhances growth and flowering. With proper care, Canna tuerckheimii can be a stunning addition to gardens, even in cooler climates.


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